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On Earth Day 2022, which takes place on Friday 22 April, Buckinghamshire Council will become the first local authority in the UK to support the AWorld app. AWorld is the official platform in support of ActNow, the United Nations campaign for individual action on climate change and sustainability. T... -
Garden waste is collected from households by Buckinghamshire Council every fortnight via a paid for subscription service. Separating garden waste from the rubbish bin means it is composted instead of being sent with your household waste . You can find out more about the garden waste service, what w... -
All ten household recycling centres will accept items for donation to the South Bucks Hospice shops at Aston Clinton and High Wycombe . The top ten items the Reuse shops are always looking for are: Branded hoovers (Henry, Shark & Dyson) Flat screen TVs and laptops Power tools Bikes (all sizes, past... -
Did you know around a third of waste thrown away in the rubbish bin in Buckinghamshire is food waste? Not only does this cost local taxpayers over £600,000 per year in disposal costs, but damages the environment too! This is why we are delivering leaflets, putting stickers on rubbish bins and spend... -
Plastic is one of the most popular and useful materials of modern times: we now use about 20 times more plastic than we did 50 years ago. Its popularity and widespread use is why handling it responsibly and correctly once it becomes waste is so vitally important. We can optimise the lifespan of pla... -
We all have a legal obligation, or duty of care, to ensure our household or business waste is disposed of correctly. The best way to stop organised fly tipping is to make sure that only authorised waste carriers take your waste away. You could face prosecution and an unlimited fine if your waste en... -
Great news! More and more people are recycling plastic bags and wrapping like crisp packets and bread bags at supermarkets across Buckinghamshire. It doesn’t matter where you bought them. Just pop them into the recycling units in store and they’ll do the rest. Plastic bag and wrappers recycling is ... -
We recycle thousands of tonnes of waste each year and Buckinghamshire is one of the best Counties in the country for recycling. Homes across the county have fortnightly collections of recycling and there are nine household recycling centres across the County which accept waste for recycling. The mo... -
All metal is endlessly recyclable and you can check the Waste Wizard if you are unsure. The list below is a great starting point. Please put the following items in your recycling bin: Drink cans Food tins Pet food tins Empty aerosols Metal lids from jars and bottles Kitchen foil (clean) Foil sweet ... -
Large items such as beds, furniture and mattresses collected from the Household Recycling Centres, or the councils bulky waste collection which are not suitable for the reuse shops are taken to High Heavens Waste Transfer Station. Any electrical items are separated for recycling, as anything with a...