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Even though they are called 'Disposable vapes', they are problematic when disposed of in bins at home, causing fires in collection trucks and at sorting facilities and this is, unfortunately a problem local authorities are faced with nationally. Every week in the UK 8.2 million vapes are discarded ... -
Vapes and their impact [blog post] Waste surrounding UK football [blog post] How can we change the public behaviours towards waste prevention? [blog post] The Vinted findings of fast fashion and waste prevention [blog post] A rare guitar has managed to raise a four-figure sum for a charity shop in ... -
I am Drew, a female Waste Prevention Officer for the Council. In the New Year, we desperately need to tackle the problem single-use, disposable vapes are having on our environment. Research conducted has found that 8.2 million vapes are disposed of incorrectly every week, this means 13 are thrown a... -
Check out the key things that you can recycle over the Christmas period. Real Christmas Trees Real Christmas trees be composted at industrial compost sites. Many local community groups, or charities offer a collection service after Christmas, for a donation. You can also take your tree to your near... -
For secondary schools - get started today on the composting course and use the Password: BuckinghamComposts Do you have a gardening club or a forrest school. Here are some resources for Primary schools to use. Garden Organic has created an online composting lesson for kids, which includes an animat...