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Found 238 results

  • Household bin collections Homes across the County have regular collections of recycling, garden waste, food waste and general waste. There are also collections for clinical waste, bulky waste and more. Visit the bin collections page at Buckinghamshire Council for more information, by clicking here....
  • What to do with Electrical items There is around £17 billion worth of old or unwanted electricals in UK homes. Many of these items can be repaired , donated or sold , but all electrical items can be recycled . In fact, if we recycled our old electricals it would cut as much CO2 as taking 1.3 millio...
  • ZWW

    Zero Waste Week is an award-winning campaign, raising awareness about the environmental impact of waste. Whether you’re an individual, business or organisation, join in and reduce the amount of waste you create. We have lots planned for this year, so stay tuned to find out more closer to the time. ...
  • My name is Drew, a young female adult who works as an Apprentice Waste Prevention Officer for the Council. I have been in this job role now for four months and almost immediately began thinking about waste I generate and how to reduce it. Before working here, I had no major concern for the waste I ...
  • Often, the items we no longer want or need can be passed on to someone else and have a continuing useful life instead of becoming waste. Get started today with: Freegle the online sharing platform; LoveJunk (marketplace or to find a licensed waste carrier) or Bucks Zero Waste map Save money - Buyin...
  • Did you know around a third of waste thrown away in the rubbish bin in Buckinghamshire is food waste? Not only does this cost local taxpayers over £600,000 per year in disposal costs, but damages the environment too! More and more people in Buckinghamshire are using the weekly food recycling servic...
  • Often, the items we no longer want or need can be passed on to someone else and have a continuing useful life instead of becoming waste. Get started today with: Freegle the online sharing platform; LoveJunk (marketplace or to find a licensed waste carrier) or Bucks Zero Waste map Save money - Buyin...
  • There is a repair revolution gathering pace in Buckinghamshire and we are encouraging more people to take part and maybe even start their own in their local area. Repair Cafes are meeting places where people can repair things (together) and the idea is spreading. Visitors bring their broken items f...
  • Why compost? Composting is an inexpensive, natural process that transforms your kitchen and garden waste into a valuable and nutrient rich food for your garden. It's easy to make and use, get started with our easy guide today . We also have discounts available for a range of composting equipment, j...
  • We recycle thousands of tonnes of waste each year and Buckinghamshire is one of the best Counties in the country for recycling. Homes across the county have fortnightly collections of recycling and there are nine household recycling centres across the County which accept waste for recycling. The mo...