Buckingham Household Recycling Centre – revised opening hours for one week only.
During week commencing 27th June the opening hours of our Buckingham site will be 10am-6pm Monday to Friday.
The staff welfare facilities and office on site are being replaced which will give the site staff suitable toilets, kitchen, storage, and office space on site. Staff spend up to 10 hours a day on site and need appropriate welfare facilities. Before replacing the facilities, some groundworks need to be completed, which cannot be done whilst visitors are on site.
Construction crews will work on site each morning from around 7am to reduce service disruption as much as possible. Unfortunately, it does mean the site will have to open one hour later than usual, at 10am to give time for the site to be cleared of materials and machinery before opening.
Work will start on Monday 27th June and is expected to take up to five days, finishing on Friday 1st July. The works will not extend into the weekend of the 2/3rd July.