Trick or treating

Sweet wrappers
Trick or treating is an important part of Halloween, but often produces a lot of plastic waste. Consider shopping around online to find goodies with recyclable or minimal packaging. Most large supermarkets now collect plastic bags and wrappers in store – so when you do your weekly shop remember to take back your plastic bags and wrappers for recycling! Find out more on the Waste Wizard.
Trick or treat containers
When it comes to Trick or Treating, why not use a container you already own, or one that can be used year after year? You could even use simple cardboard boxes (a great way to spend the afternoon decorating them). No matter what you’re looking for, there will be something for you.
Walk don’t drive (trick or treating)
It may be tempting to bundle the whole family up in the car and go looking for doors to knock on, especially as it starts to get colder in the evening, but it can be just as fun to walk around your local neighbourhood with a few torches and some warm clothes. You won't only be saving on fuel, but you would also be helping make Halloween more environmentally friendly. You could even tell some ghost stories as you walk!
Use recyclable/reusable decorations
Create a spooky garden with paper mâché pumpkins, ghosts are as simple as an old white sheet and use cardboard for tombstones! The last tip we have for you is have fun, don’t be afraid to try something new or get your hands dirty, and make sure you use recyclable or reusable decorations to spice up the spooky celebrations!