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Fluorescent Tubes

Fluorescent tubes are collected at all nine household recycling centres in Buckinghamshire. They are classed as hazardous waste due to the potential dangers of broken glass and also the inhalation of small amounts of toxic materials released as dust and vapour. Therefore it is important that they are recycled correctly and never put it your general waste bin.

Fluorescent tubes contain in general 94% Glass, 4% ferrous and non-ferrous metals, and 2% phosphor powder, it is within this phosphor powder that the most hazardous element is contained- mercury.

This recycling process involves separating the individual components and recovering them for recycling or re-use. A distiller is used to purify the mercury into various grades. The recovered mercury is sent to two major lamp manufacturers in the UK where it is used in the production of new lamps.

Did you know The mercury from 1 single fluorescent tube is enough to pollute 30,000 litres of water beyond the safe drinking level in the UK.

End destination Manchester

3.78 tonnes collected each year