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Electrical items

Household Recycling Centres

Electrical items include anything with a plug, battery or charger. Many electrical items can be reused or repaired, but those not suitable for reuse or repair are taken to SWEEEP - A specialist waste electrical and electronic equipment processor. Here the items are shredded into small pieces to help the sorting process. Strong magnets are used to remove ferrous metals. An eddy current separator is used to separate non-ferrous metals. Plastics are then separated using near infrared light or density separation. Each raw material is then sent to a recycling facility to be made into something brand new.

Watch a short video on how electricals are recycled

Did you know On average, each person in the UK buys almost three new electrical items each year – or around 170 million nationally. 

Aylesbury, Brentford & Preston - depending on their size electrical items are taken to facilities across England to be recycled.

1,600 tonnes of electricals were recycled at the Household Recycling Centres last year.