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Join millions of people reducing their plastic waste

Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities. Will you be part of Plastic Free July by choosing to refuse single-use plastics? Yes, I will take the challenge

Want can you do?

Want some tips to find out how you can reduce plastic waste? The good news is, anyone can get involved. You can start out small, or really challenge yourself! Get inspired using the tips below:

Plastic free picnic - Food can really bring a community together, so what better to inspire people to choose to refuse single-use plastics than with a (plastic free, of course) picnic!

Buy less - Before making a purchase, smart shoppers stop and think: Is there a better alternative? Do I need this? Or, do I need this much?

Bulk food shopping - Often pre-packaged food and drinks can be avoided by shopping at a bulk food store or choosing the loose option at the grocery store.

Takeaway coffee cups - Most coffee cups aren’t recycled. By bringing your own reusable coffee cup, or taking the time to dine-in at your favourite café, you can make a huge difference.

Sanitary items - There are many fantastic and cost-effective alternatives to single-use tampons and pads, which can help you make a positive impact. Find out more about our scheme here

Cloth nappies - There are many benefits to using reusable nappies, including your pocket and the environment. There is lots more information here

Dental care - You can go plastic-free with your dental care, by finding more sustainable alternatives to toothbrushes, toothpaste, and dental floss.

Balloons & decorations - Swapping balloons and other single-use plastic party decorations for reusable and eco alternatives is the way to celebrate in style without having a devastating impact on the environment.

Bathroom There are many simple solutions for the bathroom which not only will reduce plastic waste and have a positive impact for the environment but can also have a positive impact on your budget too!

Soap - Your shower habits can have a positive impact on the environment by swapping out single-use plastic packaged shower and shave products for bars of soap.

Reduce single-use plastic at school - from reducing plastic in lunch boxes, to providing schools with lesson ideas & resources, we have a scheme for schools here