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Reduce at Christmas

Christmas trees

It wouldn't seem like Christmas without a tree, but which is the best option for the environment - real or fake - based on their full life cycle from production to disposal?

  • Potted Christmas trees are the best option for the environment.  They won't be thrown away after Christmas and, if you're green fingered, can be reused for next year. The Royal Horticultural Society has this guide to help care for your potted and cut Christmas trees.  
  • Cut Christmas trees are the next best option because they aren't made of fossil fuels and whilst growing take in carbon dioxide, taking in a estimated 1 tonnes of carbon dioxide per acre.  Cut trees should then be recycled for free at your nearest Household Recycling Centre, or garden bin collection service.
  • If you already have a plastic Christmas tree, it is important that you keep on using it. It is the least environmentally friendly, however, the fact that they don't decompose is also their strong point as they will last for years.  You will need to use the tree for between 12-15 years to account for its carbon footprint, but even longer would be better.

Cut down food waste

It is estimated that we throw away over 7 million tonnes of food each year at Christmas. Much of this food could have been eaten as leftovers the next day. Here are our tip top tips for avoiding food waste from planning through to using up leftovers.

Plastic free gift wrapping

It is possible to give beautifully wrapped gifts that are still eco-friendly.  Avoiding plastics is a good place to start but also think about buying wrapping that can be either reused, such as a scarf, or recycled. Check out this great article on ways to wrap without the plastic.

Quick fire Christmas waste reduction tips

Finally, remember the true meaning of Christmas. Ask yourself what's truly important at Christmas. Is it the gifts, excess food, decorations and sparkly clothes? Or is it spending time with loved ones, reflecting on the year passed and the year ahead and being grateful for what you have?